This episode is based on the Digital Health Service Delivery presentation, which was a live webinar to over 950 healthcare practitioners around Australia on the 24th of March, 2020. Yianni Serpanos is the host of this podcast and the founder of both the digital health practice management software Coreplus, and the digital health innovation community, HealthTechX.
Yianni is committed to helping support the healthcare industry to reimagine healthcare using modernisation systems contained within digital health. In this presentation, he explains what digital health and telehealth are and how to use them to improve your patient experience. He discusses how to bring mindset, technology, and culture together to design digital healthcare experiences, as well as the key things to immediately implement within your healthcare practice so you can navigate the COVID-19 era and beyond.
Key takeaways:
- Coreplus was founded over a decade ago to look at the digital health vision from the beginning, to find a way to bring digital health into modern healthcare and modernise the way that healthcare is delivered.
- Right now, social distancing and staying home is part of your client’s life. Asking the question, ‘How does your healthcare service fit into the lives, the schedules, the goals and the aspirations of your clients?’ helps nail down how to respond to that.
- With telehealth you’re no longer constrained to a physical location, you can now market your services Australia-wide, which opens practitioners up for bigger potential client opportunities.
- Ideally, have a telehealth capability that is integrated into your workflows. Otherwise, you may run the risk of moving data manually between one system and the other which opens up clinical and privacy risks.
- Thinking about your practice as a ‘virtual health practice’ is a good mindset to have going forward so that you’re surrounding yourself with other connected parties. When things return to normal, you will have incorporated it into your culture so you can in part continue in that way.
- There are some systems out there that allow you to register yourself onto a digital healthcare network. That will allow you to electronically have your profile promoted as a healthcare provider to other healthcare providers at different points of care so that your profile is made available to every other digital healthcare practice in Australia.
- At the end of the day, you’re not just servicing your clients in this time of need and responding to COVID-19, you’re actually enhancing your business model going forward and developing your referral lines to your virtual and real-world practice. Don’t dwell on where we’re currently at, focus on getting momentum forward around the solution, and leave the past behind us as we move forward.
Resources and links: